Aquilo que para si já não tem valor e por isso deitou para o lixo, na Valorsul volta a ser um recurso, uma matéria-prima capaz de se transformar numa nova caixa de cartão, numa nova garrafa de vidro, em energia elétrica, fertilizante para a agricultura ou em materiais para a construção de uma nova estrada.



OPEN INNOVATION VALORSUL 2024 is an open innovation program connecting Valorsul with innovative solutions that promise to boost the Waste Management sector. Collaborate with Valorsul, the company responsible for the treatment and valorization of around 800,000 tons of municipal waste produced in the Lisbon area and the Western Region of Portugal, and you will be able to see your solution being implemented in the sector's reference company in Portugal. 


Why should you apply?  

  • Prize of 3.000€ for the winner of each challenge;
  • Support to develop a pilot in a real environment;
  • Validation and access to valuable knowledge about the business potential and sustainability of the solution;
  • 150.000€ Budget for pilot funding.


View or review the webinar held on July 9th and clarify all your doubts about this accelerator program.  


New digital solutions and AI in waste management

Valorsul is looking for new digital, automatic and AI-powered solutions to increase its operational efficiency and contribute to higher recycling rates and a more sustainable waste management system.

Click here to know more about this challenge

Next-Gen Waste Packaging sorting

Valorsul is looking for the next generation of solutions for recyclables sorting, including new ways of characterizing packaging waste and contamination and new solutions to increase efficiency and purity through automated separation of packaging waste.

Click here to know more about this challenge

Unlocking the Potential of Incineration Bottom Ash

Valorsul is looking for solutions to unlock the potential of the Incineration Bottom-Ash, namely the development of more noble applications for the aggregate, increase ferrous and non-ferrous metal recovery efficiency and improve the performance of the existing treatment process.

Click here to know more about this challenge

The OPEN INNOVATION VALORSUL 2024 is a solution-sourcing program aimed at addressing three specific challenges proposed by Valorsul. This initiative seeks innovative ideas and solutions that can enhance Valorsul's operations and services. 

Every candidate that has a solution with a TRL higher than 3. 

During the application, the form will ask you to provide information about the team and explain which problem your solution will address. You will need to explain the solution, how you are going to implement it, and what Valorsul can gain from your solution. 

The official language of the program is English. 

The applications will be online, as well as the alignment phase between Valorsul and the participants. Only the final event, where the pitches will be made, will be hybrid. 

Applications will be made online, as will the alignment phase between Valorsul and the participants. Later, some companies will be selected for the final phase, the Pitch-Day event, which will be held at a location and date to be announced. Participants' mode of participation (physical or remote) in the Pitch-Day event will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

Applications will be evaluated considering the following criteria: 

a) Understanding of the Problem: Demonstrate a clear and thorough understanding of the issue you intend to address.

b) Contribution to Meet Recycling Targets: Potential to help achieve the recycling goals.

c) Innovation: Creativity and originality of proposed solutions.

d) Efficiency and Effectiveness Impact: Potential to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve resource management.

e) Environmental Impact: Consideration of environmental benefits, such as reduced energy and resource

f) Feasibility: Practicality and implementation potential of the proposed

g) Scalability: Ability to expand the solution to the next scale and across production facilities.

h) Market Understanding: The depth of the solver's research and understanding of the market, including customer needs, competition, and trends.

The applications submitted on the website will be subject to prior eligibility analysis by a selected team of Valorsul, which will then communicate to the participants whether they will or not move to the next phase of the contest, the Pitch-Day event. 

The applications selected to the Pitch-day event will be evaluated by a jury appointed by Valorsul specifically for that event, which will then communicate which participants were selected to receive the 3.000 € prize and develop their solution/technology in a pilot test at Valorsul’s industrial installations and with Valorsul’s investment. 

Yes, you can submit multiple applications for the same challenge, as long as they are different solutions but still applicable to that challenge. 

Yes, you can apply to more than one challenge as long as they are different solutions. 

No, there is no limit to the number of applications. However, we will not accept any more after the final application deadline. 

The winners will be able to co-develop the pilot projects and test their solutions in Valorsul industrial operations, gaining validation of their products and access to valuable business and sustainability learnings. Participating in the contest provides financial support from Valorsul for pilot development, offering an excellent opportunity to scale your business. Participants will also benefit from increased brand visibility in the sector through their involvement in the contest. 

Participation is free of charge. There are no registration fees or costs associated with submitting your proposals and participating in the event activities. 

The Participants must clearly and expressly identify and distinguish between public and confidential information, which means that non-public information, know-how and trade secrets in any form, should be designated as “confidential” when providing it to the Open Innovation Valorsul 2024. 

In case of doubts, you can participate in the Q&A webinar or send an email to
