At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.
Strategic Priorities

In line with the development guidelines outlined for the business, EGF shares seven strategic priorities for Human Capital management with the other companies in the Mota-Engil Group.

- Identifying and managing talent
- Developing the Group's manager profile
- Developing skills that add value to the business
- Promoting staff mobility and rotation
- Encouraging the recruitment and development of international staff
- Align remuneration policy with performance management
- Reinforce the Group's culture and knowledge

Convinced that the creation of value is realised to a large extent through the valorisation of its Human Capital, EGF will continue to invest in the materialisation of the defined priorities, through the development and implementation of tailor-made projects: what it is today and what it wants to be in the future.