The good name and reputation of Valorsul and Mota-Engil are the product of the dedication and hard work of all of us. It is our responsibility to preserve and improve this reputation. The aim is not only to comply with the law, rules and regulations applicable to our business and the markets in which we operate, but also to work continuously to maintain high standards of ethics and business conduct.
The Whistleblowing Channel represents the exclusive and confidential means provided by Valorsul, EGF and Mota-Engil for the secure and confidential reporting of irregularities or practices observed to be in breach of our integrity, ethics and transparency, as reflected in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and supported by our internal standards and the legislation in force in the countries where we operate.
Total confidentiality will be guaranteed with regard to the information provided, which is received and analysed solely and exclusively by an independent team directly linked to the company's supervisory body.
Any communication or complaint can be made via this link, sending an e-mail to or by letter to “Auditoria Interna – Rua do Rego Lameiro, n.º 38, 4300 – 454 Porto”.
Your contribution is confidential and very important!