What is it?
Recycle BinGo works like a game that gives prizes to those who recycle, which makes the recycling experience much more fun and rewarding! The main mission is to visit our usual recycling centre. Through geolocalisation, our smartphone knows that we are near it.
When we check in, we unlock a set of cute little animals, the EcoGifts, with which we fill in our BinGo Cards. Each time we complete a card we earn EcoCoins - which we can exchange for fantastic prizes such as ecobags, vouchers for discounts in shops and much more.
In Recycle BinGo you can learn in Ecopédia, an ecological encyclopaedia that will teach you all about recycling; meet the Recycle BinGo family, full of animals that will become your friends, play mini-games to entertain yourself and marvel at the app's augmented reality features.
With the technological development of the game, it is possible to monitor, in real time, the days and times when users recycle the most and which ecopoints they use the most, which municipalities play the most, the number of registered users, among other statistics available in an integrated backoffice for all EGF Group concessionaires.
How did it come about?
Recycle BinGo is an EGF mobile application whose first version was funded by the Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Fund. Its aim is to entertain and educate Portuguese families on the subject of recycling, offering prizes to those who recycle the most.
Recycle BinGo is accessible in all of the EGF Group's concession areas and is available on the AppStore and GooglePlay. On android the game works from version 6 and on iOS from operating system version 11.
You don't want to miss this adventure.
We're counting on you, jump on BinGo and help us spread the recycling bug!
Find out all about this super sustainable game at Recycle BinGo, Facebook and Instagram.