At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.
Monitoring the Waste To Energy Plant

The environmental monitoring programmes, which have been carried out continuously since a year before the plant started operating, are as follows:

- Air Quality (continuous) - Technical Department of Valorsul, S.A.;
- Air Quality (discontinuous) - Environment and Development Institute of the University of Aveiro;
- Continuous monitoring of atmospheric emissions - Technical Department of Valorsul, S.A.;
- Environmental Noise - ASA - Ailton Santos e Associados, Lda;
- Water and Sediment Quality - Hydrographic Institute of the Navy;
- Terrestrial and Estuarine Ecosystems - Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon;
- Public and Psychosocial Health Monitoring - Environmental Health Institute of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Over the last almost 20 years of collecting and analysing data on the environmental parameters of the region surrounding the power station, in studies conducted whenever possible by independent entities, the results are positive and consistent: the power station's activity has no negative impact on the environmental quality of its surroundings.


See the summary report of all the environmental programmes carried out around WTE plant here.

Continuous Air Quality Monitoring
Discontinuous Air Quality Monitoring
Continuous Monitoring of CVE's Air Emissions
Environmental Noise Monitoring
Water and Sediment Quality Monitoring
Monitoring Terrestrial and Estuarine Ecosystems
Monitoring Public and Psychosocial Health
Psychosocial monitoring
Local Monitoring Committee for the Waste To Energy Plant