At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.
Vision and Strategy

For Valorsul, EGF and the Mota-Engil Group, sustainability is the concept that underpins, from a perspective of organisational excellence, the economic, social and environmental principles that a company must follow.

Integrating the principles of sustainability means taking responsibility for protecting the environment, guaranteeing the best economic performance and ensuring the social defence of employees and the community.

There are several initiatives developed by Valorsul that give structure to this mission, on a path that makes us proud and motivates us to improve every day.

Find out more about Mota-Engil's Sustainability Report, which also includes Valorsul initiatives and contains information on the company's environmental activity and commitments.
