At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.

Waste To Energy Plant (CTRSU) and Landfill Sites:


Owner Service Type Local   Gate Fee  €/ton TGR €/ton Total VAT
Privates (*) Deposition CTRSU 84,56 € 7,00 € 91,56 € -
Destruction CTRSU 188,72 € 7,00 € 195,72 € 146,96 €
Municipality (**) Deposition CTRSU
56,37 € 6,84 € 63,21 € -
Destruction CTRSU 188,72 € 6,84 € 195,56 € -

VAT at the legal rate in force will be applied to the above amounts.


(*) The gate fee in force on 1 January 2025.
(**) The gate fee in force between 1st January 2025 and 31st March 2025.


Sorting Centres and Ecocentres
In order to promote waste recycling, Valorsul has made it completely free to dispose of waste at Sorting Centres and Ecocentres.

Implementing selective collection in companies can be financially rewarding, since by delivering waste for recycling to the Sorting Centres and Ecocentres, they avoid the costs of disposal, destruction and the Waste Management Fee charged at the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant and Landfills.

Organic Treatment and Recovery Plant
Gate fee for individuals: €42,28/tonne


NOTE: Due to the lack of surplus capacity at the Waste To Energy Plant (CTRSU), the reception of waste from private entities has been suspended for an indefinite period. Only occasional situations of waste destruction may be accepted. For information on urban waste management operators, please contact the Portuguese Environment Agency at 214728200 or access the list of licensed waste management operators at

Valorsul regrets any inconvenience caused.