At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.

In partnership with SIMAR in Loures and Odivelas, and with the aim of going further in the quantities of material collected and sent for recycling, Valorsul is taking over the collection of your plastic/metal, paper/cardboard and glass packaging in Quinta do Almirante and Bairro da Portela (Loures).

Be aware of the new timetables. Download and save your calendar so you can consult it easily whenever you need to. We ask that you place the equipment on the public highway two hours before the vehicles pass.


From now on you have even more reasons to recycle. Separate all your packaging and put it in the correct containers. We'll take care of the rest. All materials will be properly treated and recovered at Valorsul's sorting centre in Lisbon.

We're counting on your contribution to this initiative, which not only benefits the present, but also makes the future more sustainable for generations to come.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Recycling Line using the following contact details:

Telephone: 800 911 400 (free call)




If you have any questions or would like more information on the collection of undifferentiated and bio-waste, please contact SIMAR Loures and Odivelas using the following contact details:

Telephone: 219 848 500



Recycle more and make a difference in your neighbourhood! Every container counts!