At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.

In the Lisbon region

The collection of undifferentiated urban waste in the North Lisbon Region is the responsibility of the municipalities of Amadora, Lisbon, Loures, Odivelas and Vila Franca de Xira.

The collection of recyclable waste in the municipalities of Amadora, Loures and Odivelas is the responsibility of Valorsul. In Lisbon and Vila Franca de Xira, collection is the responsibility of the respective municipalities.

With the following exceptions:

- company waste, when it exceeds 1,100 litres, is transported by the company itself or by a carrier it has contracted;
- private waste (with the exception of household waste) is transported by the company itself or by a haulier it has contracted. E.g. waste from moving house.


In the West region
The collection of undifferentiated waste in the West region is the responsibility of the municipalities of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Óbidos, Peniche, Rio Maior, Sobral de Monte Agraço and Torres Vedras. Some municipalities deliver undifferentiated waste to Valorsul Transfer Stations and then Valorsul transports it to the landfill or another treatment facility.

Waste from companies, when it exceeds 1,100 litres, is transported by the company itself or by a carrier it has contracted.
Private waste (except household waste) is transported by the company itself or by a haulier it has hired. E.g. waste from moving house.
The multi-material selective collection in the west, i.e. the recyclable waste in the recycling bins, is carried out by Valorsul.

Selective Collection
Valorsul promotes the selective collection of materials and the way this collection is organised depends on the geographical area. This selective collection of the three streams (Yellow, Blue and Green) takes place from Monday to Saturday, between 05h00 and 23h00.
In Amadora, Lisbon, Loures, Odivelas and Vila Franca de Xira, selective collection is carried out by the municipalities. Valorsul has financed these municipalities in the acquisition of waste disposal and selective collection equipment (namely containers and vehicles) and shares the revenue from the sale of recyclables with the municipalities.
Since 2020, Valorsul has provided technical support for the collection of recyclables and the provision of Ecopoints to the municipalities of Amadora, Loures and Odivelas.
Valorsul carries out multimaterial collection of recyclable materials in the remaining 14 municipalities in the system. Materials are collected from the ecopoints in most of the western area (and from the ecological islands in the municipality of Óbidos) in addition to those delivered to the ecocentres at the transfer stations.
The municipalities in this area, however, also carry out selective collection activities that are more geared towards commerce and areas that, due to their characteristics, do not allow the placement of ecopoints.

If you are interested in depositing waste at one of Valorsul's facilities, please fill in the relevant form and send it to

We will send you a written reply, granting or not granting authorisation.

If this is your first time filling in the form, we suggest you read the ‘How to deposit?’ section.