At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.
COTEC Innovative Statute
Energy sector
COTEC Portugal
Marca de Confiança
Environment Sector
Reader's Digest
Prémios 2021
ISWA 3rd Prize
The Future of the Planet is Not Recyclable
ISWA - International Solid Waste Association
National Sustainability Award
Digital e AI
Recycle BinGo
Jornal de Negócios
Prémio Bronze Meios & Publicidade
Environment and Energy
The future of the planet is not recyclable
Jornal Meios & Publicidade
Prémio Bronze Meios & Publicidade
Integrated Multimedia
The future of the planet is not recyclable
Jornal Meios & Publicidade
Prémio Bronze Meios & Publicidade
Public Relations
The future of the planet is not recyclable
Jornal Meios & Publicidade
Prémio Bronze Meios & Publicidade
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
The future of the planet is not recyclable
Jornal Meios & Publicidade
Prémios 2020
Award in Recognition of Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practices
Eixo II - Sustainable Development Goals | #ODS 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Toneladas de Ajuda
APEE - Associação Portuguesa de Ética Empresarial
Honourable Mention in Recognition of Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practices
Eixo I - Social Responsibility | Communication
APEE - Associação Portuguesa de Ética Empresarial
Grande Prémio APCE
External Campaign: Services (Tertiary Sector)
In the Algarve be Algarvian, Separate!
APCE - Associação Portuguesa de Comunicação de Empresa
Grande Prémio APCE: Edição Especial Covid-19
Integrated Campaign: Services (Tertiary Sector)
APCE - Associação Portuguesa de Comunicação de Empresa
Communication Award
Second Place
ISWA - The International Solid Waste Association
Creative Club Festival - Bronze Medal
Recycle BinGo 2
CCP - Clube de Criativos de Portugal