At Valorsul, what you no longer value and have therefore thrown away becomes a resource again, a raw material that can be transformed into a new cardboard box, a new glass bottle, electricity, fertiliser for agriculture or materials for building a new road.

Valorsul has an Integrated Management System (IMS) for the Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Quality (in accordance with the NP EN ISO 14001, NP ISO 45001 and NP EN ISO 9001 standards, respectively), which was implemented with the aim of providing the company with a management tool that enables it to set continuous improvement objectives and demonstrate solid environmental, occupational health and safety and quality performance in all the services and products it supplies.

This system has been certified by Bureau Veritas Certification in the areas of reception and transfer, selective collection, sorting and multimaterial recovery, organic recovery, energy treatment and recovery and landfill of municipal waste, treatment and recovery of slag, in the municipalities of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Amadora, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lisboa, Loures, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Óbidos, Odivelas, Peniche, Rio Maior, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Torres Vedras and Vila Franca de Xira.

Among the many internal and external benefits of implementing the IMS, the following stand out:

- employee satisfaction and motivation by promoting a safe and healthy working environment;
- Improved customer satisfaction;
- Continuous improvement of the organisation's performance;
- Reduction in the risk of accidents and occupational illnesses;
- Reduction of environmental impacts;
- Increased stakeholder confidence (employees, community, customers, suppliers, shareholders, among others);
- Greater efficiency and proactivity in operational planning;
- Cost reduction.


Requirements for Suppliers

See below for all the environmental and occupational health and safety requirements for Valorsul's suppliers, both for services and contracts.
You can also find our criteria for evaluating the performance of external suppliers in the Supplier Evaluation Criteria annex.